Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Waitin' for our Miracles

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

What's that smell?

A packet came in the mail today. Its from CHI. I(T) have gotten to where I enjoy these packets.

Cool information. Pictures. My kind of things.

(T)"Hey baby"


(T)"Do you know where we can get a picture of a paper mill?"


(T)"A paper mill"

(J)"I know what you said, why?"

(T)"Have you read this packet?"


(T)"You'll understand......"

My lord. Copies of copies. Copies of copies of copies. What in the world is going on here?

As I(T) mentioned previously, I am not so much of an organizer. Thankfully, she (J) is.

Looking through this thing, I have to laugh. Can anyone truly get their landlord to write them a letter if they are a renter? I(T) have lived in more than my share of apartments. I couldn't get water in a few of them.

Or heat.

Or air.

Or windows that closed, or opened, or weren't broken.

Will I really be able to get my doctor to write a letter? I am very close with several doctors, even business partners with one. I'm not so sure about this letter thing. I guess it can't hurt to ask. Maybe it will be more legible than a prescription. I love my doctor.

Financial statement.
Verification of (Insert a million different things here)
-wasn't that verified on another form?
Power of attorney

and on
and on
and on
and on
and on

What a strange and wonderful world I have now entered. Words like;

These are words that never meant anything before. Now they are becoming a bigger and bigger part of our conversations.
Carrying more weight than things which we thought were important.

Appointment to be fingerprinted. Tommorrow. I cannot wait. FINGERPAINTS BABY.

The trees are shaking. The pens are scared.

Pulp mills and checks made out to this agency or that.

"Can you smell that smell?"
-thanks Lynard Skynard

I(T) can.

It's just the paper mill. They're working overtime.

1 comment:

Susan said...

ya'll really crack me up.
yes, you will get to know and LOVE all the new words, like apostille. :)

My dr was cool about the form, but, their license expired IN Jan 2008, so that didn't work. We had to find a new dr who license was valid for 13 months. That was fun

And, the mortgage company was NO help. But, you find work arounds.

Other adoptive parents are so helpful.

You can get thru it.
I'm not super organized either, but I learned. I just got a huge notebook, with tabs, and those page protecters, and that book, 10 steps to a successful adoption, that helped.

Keep your sense of humor. It will help. :)

thanks for the laugh.
you guys are so funny. :)